Vis ton Noël en français
Kickstart the upcoming year with my French advent calendar! Have fun, practice your French and make it a habit that sticks so that next year, you make your best French year.
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Throughout the month of december, let's celebrate Christmas together
What you'll get:
Read the first transcriptions of the Christmas story right in your email box.
Christmas fun
Practice your French throughout the holidays and further with quick and fun activities
Daily emails
Free tips, strategies, inspiration and goodies to help you with your French
Coucou !
Je suis Caroline, ta prof de français. Avec moi, tu vas apprendre tous les secrets pour parler un français vraiment naturel, celui que les gens utilisent entre eux. C'est difficile de comprendre ta série préférée sur Netflix ? Pas de souci, ici tu connaîtras les règles essentielles pour bien comprendre quand ils parlent.
Ready to have fun in French? (and get the French practice you've always wanted?!)
Let's share and work together.
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